A few were just people that quickly became unhappy with their purchase and were selling to buy something else. Those that had planted over 1000 acres and those that the acre counter no longer worked but they were wore out from planting along the highway right of ways. When I looked for used drills, they seemed to fall in two catagories. Thanks for the nice comments from kneedeep, Green Power, and PoopDeck Pappy. Hope this works better than broadcasting seeds did! I need a good seed germination as hay is so expensive to feed in the winter. I have a lot of questions, so hope everyone will continue to help. Wonder if that works both ways, if I plant deer plot mixtures, will the cattle like that better? I was going to plant some white clover, but it gets so hot in the summer here that they are an annual crop. I noticed about 8 deer grazing on one of my pastures, so guess they like what cattle like! Your plots are really nice.

Had first freeze last night, so the coastal will be dying off soon, and now I need to mow it really short before the grains start coming up to keep the weeds and grass from shading the new winter crop. Got it out really late waiting on the grain drill to ship from the factory, but still have several more acres to plant this fall. Keep them coming as all I have to show for my work is some small scratches in the grass where I hope 15 acres or so of winter grains will eventually come up. Hope I can see which will work better for my location. I planted oats on 5 acres, wheat on 5 acres, and Triticale on the next 5 acres and mixed all of them with a little ryegrass (about 11 pounds per acre).

I was told that most people that rent, wind up buying the machine after a few delays set back their planting schedule. You can rent these (or similar no-till) drills for about $350 a day, but It would take me 4 days for normal crops and longer for planting Dahl Bluestem and some other crops I want to try this spring. The weight brackets hold 600 more pounds of old John Deere weights, which I am looking for as bone dry conditions were present when I planted this year. Not sure about corn though as many have planted it successfully by locking out 6 rows and planting 3 rows on 3 ft centers. The good news is that it plants well and can run the colters up to 3.5 inch deep and should allow openers for any reasonable depth, depending on ground conditions and weight. As you can see, the 3 point mounted drill without the Native Grass Box, Weight Brackets, and extra Agitator is a lot less, but still expensive. The entire package came to $19,500, which is pretty steep for me.

I bought several options including the Pull Type configuration with end wheels, Native Grass Box, Small Seeds box, Main Box Agitator, and Weight Bracket which are approximately $3000, $5043, $1440, $308, and $392 respectively. It is a 6 ft 9 row (7.5 inch spacing) drill. They are identical except one is orange and the other is green. You have to add about $1500 for freight unless you can go get them and bring them back yourself. The easiest thing you can do is to search on 606NT and you will find several new (and used) Land Pride and Great Plains 606NT drills listed on the auction sites.